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IKARI Insect Light Trap ~ World’s No. 1 Insect Light Trap

“We GUARANTEE to beat any light trap in the market, or we’ll refund your money with no question asked!”

Key Facts and Figures:

  1. World’s No. 1 Insect Light Trap.
  2. Best selling professional light trap throughout the world.
  3. 60% of Forbes 500 companies use our Insect Light Trap

75% of Food Industry faces fly problems. Either you’re operating an upscale restaurant in the high street or running a food industry which faces fly problems, IKARI have the right products and services to overcome your flies’ problem.

FAQ- Frequently Asked Questions

1) Are flying insect light traps 100% effective?

We know of nothing, including chemical control, which is 100% effective, but we are confident that our light trap are far more superior and outperform other traps available in the market till date. Light traps are extremely effective tools and a necessary part of any good integrated pest control program. However, there is no substitute for good sanitation procedures and other measures such as effective screening, self closing doors and relocating dumpsters away from doors.

2) How much area will a single trap cover?

Insect vision is the key for the effective range of any flying insect light trap. Many day flying insects, particularly flies, have a visual range of 25 to 30 feet. Night flyers will respond up to 90 or 95 feet as a general rule. Because insects move constantly in search of warmth, food, moisture and sex, they will eventually respond. However, it is erroneous to state that a light trap will cover “X” square feet.

3) What is the intended use for a wall or corner mounted trap design?

The wall or corner unit mounted close to the floor is designed primarily for fly control. “Active” flies seeking moisture, food or sex operate no higher than 5 feet. Flies on the ceiling or otherwise resting are “inactive” and will seldom respond to any attractant.

4) Where is the best location for a trap to intercept flies?

When a fly enters a building, it takes approximately 20 seconds for it to adjust to the change in lighting. A wall or corner type trap, mounted 12 inches above the floor and no more than 20 feet inside the door is a good place. In all case, keep all installation heights below 65 inches height. Additionally, spacing the traps over the entire facility at 40 to 50 feet apart will provide a trap location within typical response range for many day flying insects.

5) How often should a light trap to be cleaned and sanitized?

In United States- California, Department of Health Services, Food and Drug section requires all food establishment shall have the trays cleaned weekly (minimum). Cleaning interrupts the hatching of any eggs in the trays and prevents the spread of bacteria. Units placed inside process areas should be cleaned daily.

6) How often lamps be replaced in traps?

All Spectral Energy lamps must be replaced annually to insure maximum efficiency. The phosphors coating the inside of the lamp deteriorates with age and will lose 40% efficiency each 6000 to 7000 burning hours.

7) Will Ultra Violet lights damage the eyes of any employees, customers or patients?

It has been estimated that a person would have to stand 12″ from the lamp for 1086 hours to receive enough U/V light to damage sight using the lamps in your unit.

Call us now at +91 674 235 1577 or email us at admin@ikariesonapadma.com to find out how Insect Light Trap can benefit you.